How big is the market for camera modules in smart car parks

How big is the market for camera modules in smart car parks?

How big is the market for camera modules in smart car parks?

How big is the market for camera modules in smart car parks?
According to related research, the global smart car park market size has reached a certain scale in 2022. With the increasing car ownership and the acceleration of urbanisation, the market size of smart car parks continues to expand.
Camera modules play an important role in the construction and operation of smart car parks. When the car approaches the entrance of the car park, the HD camera module quickly captures the vehicle's licence plate information and compares it with the records in the database. Almost instantly, the road gate automatically rises to welcome her. This is all thanks to the accurate licence plate recognition function of the camera module.
Upon entering the car park, the camera modules distributed in all corners come into play. They monitor the use of parking spaces in real time and transmit the information to the central control system. The car owner can easily find a vacant parking space through the display screen in the car park.
The camera modules keep a close eye on the parking process. Once the vehicle is parked in place, the system automatically records the parking time. When finished with her errands and ready to leave, she paid for the parking in advance via her mobile phone. At the exit, the camera module reconfirms the vehicle information, the road gate opens quickly and the owner drives out of the car park smoothly.
An accident occurred in the car park. If the owner accidentally scrapes the vehicle next to him while reversing. The intelligent camera module clearly records the process, providing key evidence for subsequent responsibility determination.
The camera module also has an intelligent analysis function. By analysing the pattern of vehicles entering and exiting the car park, the car park management can optimise the layout of the parking spaces and improve the efficiency of the car park.
In the next few years, with the continuous development and improvement of intelligent car park technology, the demand for high-quality, high-performance camera modules will further increase, which will also promote the continuous development of the camera module market in the field of intelligent car parks.

To choose the right camera module for smart car parks, you can consider the following key factors:
Resolution and image quality: Priority should be given to high-resolution modules to ensure that details such as vehicle licence plates, car models and personnel characteristics are clearly captured. Images should have good contrast, colour reproduction and low noise.
Low light performance: As car parks need to be monitored properly even at night or during low light hours, the module should be able to provide clear and usable images even under low light conditions.
Wide Dynamic Range (WDR): able to handle scenes with large differences between light and dark in car parks, avoiding areas that are too bright or too dark.
Viewing Angle and Focal Length: Choose the appropriate viewing angle and focal length according to the layout and monitoring range of the car park. Wide-angle lens is suitable for monitoring a large area, while telephoto lens is suitable for specific entrances and exits or key areas.
Intelligent functions: Intelligent analysis functions such as licence plate recognition, vehicle detection, motion tracking, etc. help to improve the management efficiency of the car park.
After-sales service: the supplier should provide good after-sales technical support and warranty service.

Our company specialises in researching and developing custom camera modules, providing solutions to help you choose the right camera module for your smart car park, please feel free to contact us.

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